Our Projects
Beauty & Glory, Clothes & Nobility


Quantity: 80-100 

Size: 800-1000㎡


Kong Family Mansion is the historical residence of the direct descendants of Confucius. It indicates the core of ancient Chinese noble life in Ming- Qing Dynasty.

There are eight thousand clothes collected in the Confucius Family Mansion. Most of them had hundreds of years old, the oldest ones came from Ming Dynasty, five hundred years ago.

Confucius Family Mansion Clothes material is various which including crepe, silk, satin, enamel, yarn. The variety of clothes technique including embroidery, silk, hand-painted, dyed is wide. The collection also includes different types which used on different occasions such as formal wear, semi-formal wear, informal wear, casual wear.

Exhibit indicate the etiquette behind patterns. At the same time, we use it as a key to introducing the hierarchy in traditional China. By showing these clothes, help the audience to understand the beauty of Chinese clothes and the clothing culture. The last part of the exhibit will discover the potential of Confucius Family Mansion Clothes which can affect to Modern fashion. Give the future to the past.


The exhibit will be including the interactive event like fashion designing, the forum of Chinese ancient etiquette and ‘try it’.

There will also be some academic lectures and workshop.